How to find us in Bowness or Waterhead
BOWNESS - Bowness Beach or Bowness Dock? What's the difference?
To beat queues and waiting times, we've have two hire points within the busy village of Bowness.
Both are at the same postcode - LA23 3HQ and only about 400metres apart 😀.
- Bowness Beach is behind the Old England Hotel - look for wooden huts & red & white boats (📍 Google) (📍 W3W)
- Bowness Dock is behind the amusement arcade/coin casino - look for our red & white boats (📍 Google) (📍 W3W)
Both locations are a few minutes' walking distance from the main Bowness Pier (where the main cruises go from).
WATERHEAD - right next to Ambleside (Waterhead) cruises pier
Our Waterhead hire point is 2 minutes' walk from Ambleside (Waterhead) Pier where the main cruises go from. Its nearest postcode is LA22 0EY. (📍 Google) (📍 W3W)
ℹ Check your e-ticket after booking for clear instructions and a small map of how to find us.
Restrictions on hire
- 🚫 No alcohol allowed on board
- 🚷 6 persons maximum (including babies)
- 🚭 No smoking
- 🦺 Buoyancy aids supplied range in size from babies (10Kg and above) to XXXL adults. Sorry no dog buoyancy aids available.
- 🐕 Dogs allowed on board
- 🕑 Please arrive within plenty of time for your booking. Boats are non-refundable or transferable.