Young family walking

Suggested Itinerary for the Walkers Ticket

Categories: Suggested Itineraries

With our walkers’ ticket, you get to experience the best of both worlds – and both views, one from the water looking towards the shore; and one from the shore, looking across the water…

So, leave the car behind and why not use this suggested itinerary to get you started? You can catch a boat from your chosen starting point at either Ambleside, Bowness or Brockhole, but for this itinerary, what better place to begin your day of boating and walking than from Ambleside, loved by walkers from all over the country?


Purchase your ticket from our friendly team at Ambleside (Waterhead) Pier, and boat one of our traditional wooden launches at 11am (or climb aboard at Bowness at 10:20am to make your way to Ambleside for 10.50).

Traditional launch


Just 15 minutes after departing Ambleside, you’ll arrive at Wray Castle on the peaceful western shore of Windermere.

Wray jetty

This Victorian neo-gothic castle and scenic grounds, managed by The National Trust, is a perfect place to visit for adults and children alike, with plenty of fun activities for youngsters who can explore the grounds, shingle beaches and pathways.

For a more peaceful visit, castle tours are also available, with National Trust members able to enjoy the whole experience free of charge (please note that the entrance fee for non-members is not included in the Walkers’ Ticket price).


From Wray Castle, enjoy a pleasant four mile walk along Windermere’s western shore, heading south towards Ash Landing. Stroll at your leisure along the traffic-free route, on this special footpath which hugs the shore for the entire route and delight in breath-taking views of the lake and enjoy seasonal delights like snowdrops and daffodils.

Footpath along shores of Windermere


Follow the path to the left of the boathouse to follow the lake shore south to Ash landing, then take a slight five minute detour to visit the National Trust’s Claife Viewing Station - a Victorian building, built in 1790. It’s only a short uphill walk from the Ash landing jetty and is well worth the effort – which will be handsomely rewarded with stunning views of the lake and the chance to rest those feet at Joey's Café in the Courtyard.

Claife viewing station


Make your way back towards the lake and climb aboard the little Cross Lakes Shuttle that regularly refries customers from the western shore to the centre of Bowness. Either spend some time to explore Bowness or change piers to catch the next available Red Cruise north to Ambleside.

Ash landing


Once back at Bowness Pier, catch the 5pm Windermere Lake Cruises service back up to your starting point at Ambleside. Boats depart every thirty minutes.

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