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Buffet Cruise.
Buffet Cruise on {* date|date *}.
Buffet Cruise on {* date|date *} for {* adults *} Adults, {* children *} Children, {* pricingType == 'seat' ? '' : 'and ' *}{* infants *} Infants{* pricingType == 'seat' ? ', and '+families+' Families' : '' *}.
First Leg:
From {* depPier *} at {* departureTime *} on a {* vesselType *}, arriving in {* arrPier *} at {* arrivalTime *}{* location != 'seat' ? ', with '+location+' seats' : '' *}.
Please remain seated at {* returnDepPier *}.
Second Leg:
From {* returnDepPier *} at {* returnDepartureTime *} on a {* returnVesselType *}, arriving in {* returnArrPier *} at {* returnArrivalTime *}{* returnLocation != 'seat' ? ', with '+returnLocation+' seats' : '' *}.
Please remain seated at {* thirdDepPier *}.
Third Leg:
From {* thirdDepPier *} at {* thirdDepartureTime *} on a {* thirdVesselType *}, arriving in {* thirdArrPier *} at {* thirdArrivalTime *}{* thirdLocation != 'seat' ? ', with '+thirdLocation+' seats' : '' *}.
Fourth Leg:
From {* fourthDepPier *} at {* fourthDepartureTime *} on a {* fourthVesselType *}, arriving in {* fourthArrPier *} at {* fourthArrivalTime *}{* fourthLocation != 'seat' ? ', with '+fourthLocation+' seats' : '' *}.